Saturday, November 14, 2009


A week after installing our new French Drain, we've had a chance to watch Mother Nature's review. Like any project, begun as a novice, but executed none-the-less, I'm pretty proud of the effort. Water is making its way to the front yard and puddling seems to be reduced to a minimum. We'll be better off when there is a new covering of grass on the backyard, but all that will take time.

Here is my "Hello World!" to the Blogosphere. After nearly five years of dormancy, eWISEinc(TM) is officially reborn. I've had a chance to visit Iraq not once, but twice... once as a contractor, once as a mobilized Reserve officer leading a team. Reunited with family and well versed in the satellite communications industry, eWISEinc(TM) is giving me a second (third? fourth?) chance.

I'm sure my third "go" at a French Drain will be fantastic... let's hope the same for eWISEinc(TM)!!!

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